Wednesday, December 31, 2014

New Server Coming - Technofirmacraft

We're going to try something new - we're going to have a societal system to go by.  We're going to form a democratic collective (loosely based on Kibbutzim).  We will all play our part in making sure the group survives as we reclaim land from the zombie hoards.

The rules:
We are a collective.  We will make requests (with our name on them) on the Work Board.  People taking on the request will put a sign below the request with their name on it.  When they complete the request, they will change their sign to say Completed with their name and the date.

Primary Responsibilities:
Spunmunkey - Facilities layout, purpose designation
The_Brochacho - Mining, Cemetary
Rheajr86 - Plant Farming
ArbitraryHubris - Animal Farming
SiliusBellator - Defense of the Collective property and persons

Primary Responsibilities mean that a player will create requests on the work board and take responsibility for ensuring that the requests are being fulfilled and updating the requests as needed over time.

The collective will divide it's time between free time/exploration and completing work for the collective.

We are forming a collective democracy. We will also have collective justice.  Issues and recommendations will be placed on the Improvement Board to be discussed and adjudicated by the collective.

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