Wednesday, December 31, 2014

New Server Coming - Technofirmacraft

We're going to try something new - we're going to have a societal system to go by.  We're going to form a democratic collective (loosely based on Kibbutzim).  We will all play our part in making sure the group survives as we reclaim land from the zombie hoards.

The rules:
We are a collective.  We will make requests (with our name on them) on the Work Board.  People taking on the request will put a sign below the request with their name on it.  When they complete the request, they will change their sign to say Completed with their name and the date.

Primary Responsibilities:
Spunmunkey - Facilities layout, purpose designation
The_Brochacho - Mining, Cemetary
Rheajr86 - Plant Farming
ArbitraryHubris - Animal Farming
SiliusBellator - Defense of the Collective property and persons

Primary Responsibilities mean that a player will create requests on the work board and take responsibility for ensuring that the requests are being fulfilled and updating the requests as needed over time.

The collective will divide it's time between free time/exploration and completing work for the collective.

We are forming a collective democracy. We will also have collective justice.  Issues and recommendations will be placed on the Improvement Board to be discussed and adjudicated by the collective.

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Natural Magic Updated to 0.73

New config file for extrautilities
Use the same jabba and iron chests versions below.

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Monday, December 22, 2014

Natural Magic enabled Extra Utils pipes

Use this config to connect to the server:

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

New Server: Natural Magic

we're still having fun with Wanderlust Reloaded but decided to give a pack a try that is not the same old kitchen sink mix.  We settled on Natural Magic, a 1.7.10 pack focused on magic and pretty much no tech.

I'm going to go through Botania this time as my starting mod.  All Botania tools and armor.  We'll see how that goes.  I think Witchery will be mod #2.

Friday, December 12, 2014

Updating to Wanderlust 1.1.7

In the previous update, some ore generation was messed up and HQM was directing us to build Thaumic Energistics gearboxes that, when placed, corrupted chunks.

Steps to update the server:
1) delete config, libraries, mods, resourcepacks, scripts folders and the forge jar (assuming forge has incremented in version) from the server
2) move the new folders and forge file onto the server
3) move optional mods into the server mods folder
4) start the server
5) /fml confirm the block changes, assuming mods have changed since last version
6) add fastcraft on server and clients
7) profit?

I've missed the move optional mods step multiple times and had to recover from backup.  It's 4 x Awesome that forge modloader automatically backs up your world directory after you confirm that you want to go ahead with a destructive change, i.e. blocks are going to be removed because of mod changes.  It's saved the server multiple times.

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Updated Wanderlust to 1.1.5

The new 1.1.5 version of wanderlust is supposed to resolve our issues with crashes in the end.  But, on installing the server files, it turns out to introduce its own issues.  The first crash pointed to a mod that is intended for clientside only - it's called WTP.  Removing WTP and rebooting the server brought us to the next error.  This one was a problem with Hardcore Questing Mode data.  I removed the player data for HQM (meaning all of our quests are reset on the server) and now the server is running fine.

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Looking at the back door

The backside of my buildings are shaped by the terrain that I had after I flattened out my mountain top.  I'm glad I decided to do this.  The building on the right was shaped on the bottom by the shape of the space available and on the top by my requirement to have a good place for my blood magic altar.  I love the geometry I ended up with!

Playing Wanderlust Reloaded Minecraft Mod Pack

I started a private server with some friends and we've been having a great time playing Wanderlust.  It's a 1.7.10 pack mixing tech with magic.  The best thing about it is that it's pretty stable!  We're currently on version 1.1.4 and there is a conflict between Ars Magica and Hardcore Ender Expansion so we're avoiding going into the end.  We get crashes on chunk generation in the end.

On this play through, we have decided that we're not going to use portals to get between overworld stops.  We're using railcraft between our bases.  We also made a rule that you can't leave experiments out in the open on the overworld.  No open-air vanilla redstone in-progress projects :)

This focus on travel between bases and no eyesores has lead to the group doing a lot more decorative building.

Spunmunkey started my base location out for me with a really nice stream and two bridges.  The stream actually has water that flows downhill in stages.  I love it!

This nice start has encouraged me to work on a nicer-than-normal buildout.  I used his materials in the buildings you see in the background.  The flat building on the right has my smeltery and chests.  The building on the left is new and empty.  There are stairs on the inside that poke out through the left side and take me onto the roof where I'm starting out my blood magic altar.