Wednesday, January 28, 2015

RR Primordial 3.221

some of the group are having troubles with very long loading times on extensive rr so we're going to play one era at a time, starting with Primordial.

Install RR 3.221 with Primordial complete option and all of the client-side mods you want.

REMOVE ARTIFICE - we're not using it on our servers.


Monday, January 26, 2015

Removed Artifice and reset the world on RR

the latest release notes for RR state that they're in the process of removing and making artifice optional.  We're not enjoying it at all since it breaks veinminer, which is amazing and stuff.

I've backed up our artifice world and will put it back up if anyone wants it.

[Update] the new world had an error in chococraft chunk generation that kept me from logging in at spawn.  Because it doesn't add that much to the game, I've disabled chococraft on the server.

Sunday, January 25, 2015

TolkienCraft II 2.3.14 is now running


Resonant Rise Server Extensive

Select Extensive option and no other options

We'll see if we like this pack - looks like IAA has done a nice job with the questlines.


Saturday, January 3, 2015